Service Overview
Life Coaching
Solution-Focused Therapy
Solution-Focused Therapy and Life Coaching
Solution-Focused Therapy blends coaching, client-centered, mindfulness, and cognitive therapies to move life forward and manifest transformational life change effectively.
Life coaching involves engaging clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”
Solution-Focused Therapy helps people lead more fulfilled and meaningful lives. Beginning with a focus on what already works for you. Counseling will enable you to identify and optimize your values and strengths. Then, look at the big picture of your life so you can fine-tune and adjust your path.
Business planning, career counseling, counseling, and online training are essential to my approach to Solution-Focused Therapy.
Solution-Focused Therapy encourages deep reflection about yourself and your life to increase personal insight and awareness. Then, apply this new understanding to make clear, informed, and fresh choices.
Finally, counseling is about committing to actions that will create lasting change and move you toward a more meaningful, happy, and fulfilling life.
Solution-Focused Therapy does not involve labeling or viewing a client as fraught with dysfunctions. Instead, the counsellor engages the client in a process that guides them to the realization that we all experience both healthy and less than healthy reactions in response to the world around us. In many settings and with a creative variety of experiments, the counsellor and client explore the personal life operating system, the client is currently using.
Therapy Sessions
Solution-Focused Therapy sessions are typically held weekly or bi-weekly. In an open and supportive environment, clients share personal goals, dreams, values, emotions, and thoughts. Solution-Focused Therapy sessions explore the present and supercharge the discovery of effective ways to achieve their goals and dreams.
Solution-Focused Therapy can be short-term (a few sessions), dealing with immediate matters, or long-term (months), dealing with more complex and longer-term goals.
Why Solution-Focused Therapy Might Be Right For You?
- You’re just going through the motions of life.
- You’re tired of coping and want to feel like you’re thriving.
- Life feels way out of balance.
- Things are basically okay but you have the sense that something is missing.
- You wonder about the meaning of your life.
- You want to create a new vision for your life, or you already have a vision but are having trouble fulfilling it.
- You are bothered by fear and self-doubt.
- You want to learn to feel confident.
Ready for change?
If you identify with any of these, I can help you. We will work together on making meaningful and long-lasting changes, so you can start living the life you have always envisioned.

How We Co-Create Your Future
As a Life Transition Coach, I help you create a vision of the future that you want, then support you as you pursue it.
If you’re a teacher, and you feel like you’re destined to do something more. At first, you may feel uncomfortable being where you are — your career feels like a jacket that just doesn’t fit anymore. The style is wrong, it’s uncomfortable, and you need change.
You feel like you want something more. You want to make a more meaningful contribution to your life. Some elements are clear, while other aspects feel vague and uncertain.
That’s when we start to create your new reality. We work to build a vision of this reality, just like an architect will design renderings of a new home. We co-design this concept and idea of what you want your life to become.
If this teacher is engaged and she and her partner, who both grew up in the Toronto area, want to move to Vancouver.
We put Vancouver on the map and look at the attributes of this life you’re envisioning.
- Why Vancouver?
- What’s the change she is seeking from that place?
- We’ll start to think about her career — does she still want to practice law, or perhaps she’d like to move into advocacy.
- Or would she like to get involved with the cannabis industry that’s taken root in Vancouver?
We discuss, we formulate, we experiment with ideas, by moving forward on multiple paths to decide what works and what doesn’t. Your transition is an iterative process. I partner with you and coach you through it.
I’ve seen dreams that “feel so crazy that they might just work" come into focus and become reality. I know how to work with you to support you move towards a future that surprises and delights you.
There are many terms for this coaching approach— transition coach, personal development coach, action coach, personal coach, life mentor, life coach.
American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed., text rev.). American Psychiatric Association.
De Shazer, S., & Dolan, Y. (2012). More than miracles: The state of the art of solution-focused brief therapy. Routledge.
Kim, J. S., Smock, S. A., Trepper, T. S., McCollum, E. E., & Franklin, C. (2010). Is solution-focused brief therapy evidence-based? Family Process, 49(4), 477–490.
Pichot, T., & Dolan, Y. M. (2014). Solution-focused brief therapy: Its effective use in agency settings. Routledge.
- Trepper, T., McCollum, E. E., De Jong, P., Korman, H., Gingerich, W., & Franklin, C. (2012). Solution-focused therapy treatment manual for working with individuals. International Journal of Solution-Focused Practices, 1(1), 1–9.