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Kevin William Grant- Registered Psychotherapist and Life Coach
Registered Psychotherapist and Life Coach
2019 - Present

Kevin William Grant- Registered Psychotherapist and Life Coach
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2019 - Present


What is Counselling?

Problems helped by counsellor include difficulties in coping with daily life, the impact of trauma, medical illness, or loss, like the death of a loved one; and specific mental health issues, like depression or anxiety. I apply a variety different types of counselling approaches, and some may work better with specific problems or issues.

  • Counselling can assist you with a wide variety of mental health and emotional challenges.
  • Counselling can help eliminate or manage troubling symptoms so you can function better, increase your well-being, and recover.

The Process

Counselling can be conducted with individuals, families, couples, or groups, and can help both children and adults. Sessions are typically held once a week for about 50-60 minutes.

Both the client and counsellor need to be actively involved in the counselling process for the best outcomes. The trust and working relationship between a client and their therapist are essential for counselling to be effective and beneficial.

Counselling can be short-term (a few sessions), dealing with immediate issues, or long-term (months), dealing with longstanding and complex issues. The goals of treatment and how often they meet is planned jointly by both the client and therapist.

Confidentiality is a fundamental requirement of counselling. Clients share personal feelings and thoughts in a safe environment.

How Can Counselling Help?

Counselling addresses challenges such as difficulties in coping with daily life, the impact of trauma, medical illness, or loss, like the death of a loved one; and specific mental disorders, like depression or anxiety. There are several different types of counselling, and some types may work better with particular problems or issues. Counselling may be combined with medication prescribed by a doctor or psychiatrist.

The Importance of Empathy and Acceptance

Below are six key findings from over ninety psychotherapy and counselling studies. These findings showcase the importance of the qualities of the helping professional:

  • There is a significant relationship between the counsellor-client alliance and counselling outcome.
  • Therapists who provide empathy have a better outcome.
  • Therapists who work toward a consensus and agreed-upon set of goals with clients have a better outcome.
  • Therapists who are warmly accepting of their clients without conditions have a better outcome.
  • Therapists willing to share of their lives and are genuine and communicate their person to clients fare better.
  • Therapists who provide consistent feedback are more successful.

Life Coaching and Solution-Focused Counselling

The personal benefits of Solution-Focused Counselling are wide-ranging and can positively impact an individual’s career if they are engaging with their counsellor. This process can help develop individuals across a wide range of needs and can even benefit them on a personal level. Solution-Focused Counselling boosts confidence, improves work performance, and builds effective communication skills.

The great benefit of Solution-Focused Counselling is that you are very likely to see quick, positive results as an outcome. Solution-Focused Counselling is interactive and co-creative– which means you create your plan collaboratively with your counsellor. People tend to learn and adopt new habits more easily when they are actively engaged in an open, caring, empathetic, and collaborative learning process.

The process is entirely devoted to you, your issues, and the attainment of your new goals. Solution-Focused Counselling will continuously challenge you in positive ways and encourage you to work on the issues you identify as needing improvement.By continually improving, you practice effective habits. The more you practice, the more natural they become, and eventually, they become your new way of being.
The benefits of life Solution-Focused Counselling include:

  • Improvement in an individual’s performance, targets, and goals.
  • Increased openness to personal learning and development.
  • Increased ability to identify solutions to specific work-related issues.
  • Greater ownership and responsibility.
  • Development of self-awareness.
  • Improvement of specific skills or behavior.
  • Greater clarity in roles and objectives.
  • The opportunity to correct behaviour or performance challenges.
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Kevin William Grant- Registered Psychotherapist and Life Coach
500 Sherbourne Street
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