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Disrupted Slumber: The Impact of Central Sleep Apnea on Health and Well-being

Disrupted Slumber: The Impact of Central Sleep Apnea on Health and Well-being

Kevin William Grant
December 23, 2023

Discover the hidden complexities of Central Sleep Apnea, a lesser-known but impactful sleep disorder. Explore its causes, effects on health, and the latest advancements in treatment to unveil the mysteries of this silent nighttime challenge.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is a distinct type of sleep disorder characterized by a lack of respiratory effort during sleep, which leads to repeated episodes of reduced or absent airflow. This condition contrasts with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), where the airflow cessation is due to a physical obstruction in the upper airway. CSA is typically associated with a dysfunction in the brain's respiratory control centers, which fails to maintain a steady breathing rhythm during sleep.

Individuals suffering from CSA often exhibit a range of symptoms, most notably disrupted sleep patterns. These disruptions are primarily due to the frequent cessation of breathing, leading to multiple awakenings throughout the night. Consequently, patients commonly experience excessive daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and sometimes morning headaches, which can severely impact their daily functioning and quality of life. Unlike OSA, snoring is less common in CSA. In more severe cases, CSA can lead to cardiovascular complications, cognitive impairments, and mood disturbances.

The etiology of CSA is multifactorial and can be associated with other medical conditions. For instance, it is commonly observed in individuals with heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and stroke. Cheyne-Stokes respiration, a specific form of CSA, is characterized by a cyclical pattern of increasing and decreasing tidal volumes until a brief apnea occurs. This pattern is often seen in patients with congestive heart failure or following a cerebrovascular accident.

Treatment approaches for CSA vary based on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Options may include positive airway pressure therapies, supplemental oxygen, adaptive servo-ventilation, or medications to stimulate breathing. Lifestyle modifications, such as weight management and avoiding alcohol or sedatives, can also be beneficial.

For a comprehensive understanding and current perspectives on Central Sleep Apnea, it is crucial to refer to recent scientific literature and authoritative sources. While the DSM-5-TR provides diagnostic criteria for various mental disorders, including sleep-wake disorders, it does not extensively cover CSA. One must consult medical and respiratory health journals for detailed information on CSA.

Diagnostic Criteria

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), does not provide specific diagnostic criteria for Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) as it primarily focuses on psychiatric disorders. However, CSA is recognized as a sleep-related breathing disorder in medical literature, and its diagnosis typically relies on clinical evaluation and polysomnography (sleep study) findings. The diagnostic criteria for CSA are primarily based on the American Academy of Sleep Medicine's International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD) 

Repeated episodes of apneas and hypopneas characterize CSA during sleep due to a temporary loss of ventilatory effort rather than an obstruction of the airway. Critical diagnostic criteria include:

  • Evidence of frequent episodes of apneas and hypopneas during sleep, as observed in a polysomnographic study. The apneas are not due to upper airway obstruction.
  • These episodes are often associated with a reduction in blood oxygen saturation and can lead to frequent arousals from sleep.
  • Patients with CSA typically present with symptoms such as insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, and disrupted sleep.

CSA is commonly associated with certain medical conditions such as heart failure, stroke, and use of certain medications (e.g., opioids). Cheyne-Stokes breathing, a specific form of CSA, is characterized by a periodic waxing and waning of respiration due to fluctuations in the respiratory control system (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2023).

The primary resource for detailed criteria and classifications of sleep-related breathing disorders like CSA is the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD), published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The ICSD provides comprehensive criteria for various sleep disorders, including different forms of sleep apnea.

The specifiers or subtypes of CSA in medical literature typically include:

  • Idiopathic Central Sleep Apnea: Characterized by the occurrence of central apneas without an identifiable cause and not associated with other disorders.
  • Cheyne-Stokes Breathing: Observed in patients with congestive heart failure or cerebrovascular disease, this form of CSA involves a cyclic pattern of increasing and then decreasing tidal volume followed by a period of apnea.
  • CSA Due to a Medical Condition Without Cheyne-Stokes Breathing: Includes cases where central apneas are believed to be due to medical conditions like renal failure but without the characteristic Cheyne-Stokes pattern.
  • CSA Due to High Altitude Periodic Breathing: Occurs in individuals exposed to high altitudes, caused by the body's response to lower oxygen levels.
  • CSA Due to Medication or Substance: Where the use of certain drugs or substances, such as opioids, leads to central apneas.

While research on CSA is less extensive than that on Obstructive Sleep Apnea, several studies have focused on its pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and treatment. For instance, Javaheri et al. (2017) discussed the cardiovascular implications of sleep apnea, including CSA, highlighting the importance of recognizing and treating sleep-related breathing disorders in patients with heart disease. Another study by Lorenzi-Filho and Genta (2015) explored the mechanisms and clinical management of CSA, emphasizing the need for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment strategies.

The Impacts

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is a sleep disorder that significantly impacts both physiological and psychological aspects of health. Unlike Obstructive Sleep Apnea, which is caused by a physical blockage of the airway, CSA is characterized by a failure of the brain to signal the muscles to breathe during sleep. This condition can lead to multiple health consequences.

Physiologically, CSA often results in fragmented sleep due to frequent awakenings, leading to excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue. This disruption in sleep quality can significantly impair daily functioning and reduce overall quality of life. Studies have shown that individuals with CSA may experience difficulties with concentration, memory, and executing daily tasks.

CSA particularly impacts cardiovascular health. Javaheri and colleagues (2017) conducted a comprehensive study exploring the cardiovascular consequences of sleep apnea, including CSA. They found that CSA is often associated with conditions like heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and stroke. The intermittent hypoxia (low oxygen levels) and sleep fragmentation can lead to increased blood pressure, heart rate variability, and a higher risk of cardiovascular events.

Psychologically, the impact of CSA includes increased risks of anxiety and depression. Chronic fatigue and sleep disruption can contribute to mood disturbances and reduced mental health. A study by Edwards et al. (2015) investigated the impact of sleep disorders on mental health and found a significant correlation between disrupted sleep and depressive symptoms.

Moreover, CSA can have a detrimental effect on personal relationships and social functioning. Excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue can reduce the individual's ability to engage in social activities, impacting overall social well-being.

In terms of treatment, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is often used to manage CSA, but its efficacy varies depending on the underlying cause and severity of the condition. Research by Lorenzi-Filho and Genta (2015) highlighted the importance of tailored treatment approaches for CSA, emphasizing the need for personalized healthcare strategies.

The Etiology (Origins and Causes)

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is a complex disorder with multiple etiological factors. Unlike Obstructive Sleep Apnea, which results from physical airway blockage, CSA is caused by a failure of the brain's respiratory control centers to maintain a regular breathing pattern during sleep. This section outlines the various origins and causes of CSA, referencing relevant research studies.

One primary cause of CSA is a dysfunction in the brainstem, which houses the respiratory control centers. This dysfunction leads to irregular signaling to the muscles that control breathing. Javaheri et al. (2017) explored this aspect in their study, highlighting the role of neural control in the pathophysiology of CSA. They noted that conditions affecting the brainstem, such as stroke or brain injuries, could lead to CSA.

Another significant etiological factor is heart failure. In patients with heart failure, changes in blood carbon dioxide levels can lead to unstable respiratory control. Khayat and Jarjoura (2008) conducted a study on patients with heart failure, finding a high prevalence of CSA in this group. Their research indicated that the impaired cardiac function in these patients might contribute to the development of CSA.

Renal failure is also associated with CSA. The buildup of toxins due to impaired kidney function can affect the brain’s respiratory centers. Lorenzi-Filho and Genta (2015) discussed how metabolic imbalances in renal failure could lead to sleep-disordered breathing, including CSA.

Furthermore, high altitude exposure can lead to CSA. The hypoxic environment at high altitudes stimulates an increase in ventilation, which can lead to a pattern of periodic breathing characteristic of CSA. Nussbaumer-Ochsner and Schuepfer (2012) investigated this phenomenon, demonstrating how hypoxia at high altitudes can trigger CSA.

Lastly, opioid medications can induce CSA by suppressing the respiratory drive. Walker and Farney (2009) studied the effects of opioid use on sleep and found a significant association between opioid use and the development of sleep-disordered breathing, including CSA.


Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is often associated with various comorbidities, which can complicate management and impact the individual's overall health. These comorbid conditions can influence the severity and the treatment approach for CSA.

One of the most significant comorbidities of CSA is cardiovascular disease, particularly heart failure. The relationship between CSA and heart failure is bidirectional. CSA can exacerbate heart failure, and heart failure can contribute to the development of CSA. A landmark study by Javaheri et al. (2017) explored this relationship extensively. They found that CSA is typical in patients with heart failure, and the presence of CSA can worsen the prognosis of heart failure due to the adverse effects of intermittent hypoxemia and increased sympathetic nervous system activity.

Another significant comorbidity is atrial fibrillation. Khayat et al. (2009) examined the prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in patients with atrial fibrillation. Their findings suggested that CSA is prevalent among these patients and may contribute to the initiation and maintenance of atrial fibrillation.

Neurological disorders, such as stroke and brainstem lesions, are also associated with CSA. A study by Brown et al. (2014) highlighted the prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing, including CSA, in stroke patients. The brainstem damage in stroke can disrupt the neural pathways responsible for respiratory control, leading to CSA.

Renal failure is another condition frequently seen in conjunction with CSA. The accumulation of toxins and fluid imbalance in renal failure can affect the respiratory control centers in the brain, leading to the development of CSA. Lorenzi-Filho and Genta (2015) discussed this association in their research on sleep-disordered breathing in patients with renal failure.

Finally, the use of certain medications, especially opioids, is a known comorbidity of CSA. Opioids can suppress the respiratory drive, leading to the development or worsening of CSA. A study by Walker and Farney (2009) investigated the effects of opioids on sleep and found a significant association with sleep-disordered breathing, including CSA.

Risk Factors

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is characterized by multiple risk factors that increase the likelihood of its development. Understanding these risk factors is crucial for early detection and effective management of the condition.

One of the primary risk factors for CSA is heart failure. The weakened heart function in heart failure can lead to changes in blood chemistry that affect the brain's respiratory control centers, thus contributing to the onset of CSA. A pivotal study by Javaheri and colleagues (2017) highlighted the high prevalence of CSA in patients with heart failure. Their research emphasized the complex interplay between heart failure and CSA, noting that the presence of CSA can exacerbate heart failure symptoms.

Another significant risk factor is the use of certain medications, especially opioids. Opioids are known to depress the respiratory drive, and chronic use can lead to disturbances in normal breathing patterns during sleep. Walker and Farney (2009) investigated the impact of opioids on sleep, finding a strong correlation between opioid use and the development of sleep-disordered breathing, including CSA.

Neurological conditions, particularly those affecting the brainstem, also pose a risk for CSA. The brainstem is crucial in regulating breathing patterns, and any damage or dysfunction in this area can disrupt normal respiratory control. Studies like the one conducted by Brown et al. (2014) have shown that patients with neurological disorders, including stroke and brainstem lesions, are at increased risk of developing CSA.

Additionally, high altitude exposure is a recognized risk factor for CSA. The hypoxic environment at high altitudes stimulates a respiratory response that can lead to periodic breathing and CSA. Nussbaumer-Ochsner and Schuepfer (2012) studied the effects of high altitude on breathing patterns and identified a significant association with the development of CSA.

Age and gender are also considered risk factors. CSA is more common in older adults and is generally more prevalent in males than females. However, the underlying reasons for these demographic differences are not fully understood and are a topic of ongoing research.

Case Study

Presenting Problem: Mike, a 56-year-old male, complained of disrupted sleep patterns, frequent nocturnal awakenings, and excessive daytime sleepiness. He reported that these symptoms had been gradually worsening over the past year.

History: Mike has a medical history of congestive heart failure and hypertension, which have been managed with medication for the past five years. He does not have a history of snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. Mike is a non-smoker and reports moderate alcohol use. He has been taking opioid pain medication for chronic back pain for several months.

Clinical Observations: During the clinical interview, Mike appeared fatigued and reported difficulty concentrating and memory. He also mentioned feeling anxious about his health due to his disrupted sleep and its impact on his daily life.

Diagnostic Assessment: Based on the initial interview and Mike's medical history, a polysomnography (sleep study) was recommended to investigate the possibility of a sleep-related breathing disorder. The polysomnography results revealed frequent episodes of apnea and hypopnea during sleep, with the majority being central apneas, indicating a lack of respiratory effort. These findings were consistent with a diagnosis of Central Sleep Apnea (CSA).

Treatment Plan: Given Mike’s underlying congestive heart failure and opioid use, his treatment plan was multifaceted. The primary care physician and cardiologist were consulted to optimize the management of his heart failure and explore alternatives to opioid medication. A trial of adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV), a specialized form of positive airway pressure therapy designed for CSA, was initiated to stabilize his breathing during sleep.

Follow-up and Outcome: In subsequent weeks, Mike reported significantly improved sleep quality and reduced daytime sleepiness. Adjustments to his heart failure medications and a gradual decrease in opioid use contributed to the improvement in his sleep-related symptoms. Regular follow-up appointments were scheduled to monitor his condition and adjust the treatment plan as necessary.

Discussion: This case highlights the complexity of diagnosing and managing Central Sleep Apnea, particularly in patients with comorbid medical conditions such as congestive heart failure and those on opioid medication. It underscores the importance of a thorough clinical assessment and a multidisciplinary approach to treatment involving coordination with various healthcare providers.

Recent Psychology Research Findings

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) has been the subject of various psychological research studies, focusing on its impact on cognitive functioning, mental health, and quality of life. While the physiological aspects of CSA are often the primary focus, the psychological ramifications are increasingly being recognized and studied.

One area of interest is the impact of CSA on cognitive functioning. A study by Beebe and Gozal (2002) explored the cognitive and behavioral effects of sleep-disordered breathing in children, which included central sleep apnea. Although their research primarily focused on children with obstructive sleep apnea, they found that disrupted sleep, regardless of the type, can lead to deficits in executive functioning, attention, and memory. This research suggests that the intermittent hypoxia and sleep fragmentation seen in CSA may similarly affect cognitive abilities in adults.

The relationship between CSA and mood disorders has also been examined. Edwards et al. (2015) conducted a study on the association between sleep disorders and depressive symptoms. They found that individuals with sleep-disordered breathing, including CSA, exhibited higher rates of depression. The study underscored the importance of screening for and addressing sleep disorders in patients presenting with depression.

Another significant psychological aspect of CSA is its impact on the quality of life. A study by Bardwell et al. (2007) focused on the quality of life in patients with sleep apnea. They noted that the frequent nocturnal awakenings and chronic fatigue associated with CSA severely affect patients' daily functioning and overall well-being. This research highlighted the need for effective management of CSA to improve patients’ quality of life.

Furthermore, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, a common treatment for CSA, has been linked to improvements in psychological outcomes. Weaver and Grunstein (2008) reviewed the effects of CPAP therapy on psychological functioning in sleep apnea patients. Their findings indicated that effective treatment of sleep-disordered breathing with CPAP can improve mood, cognitive functioning, and quality of life.

Treatment and Interventions

The treatment and interventions for Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) involve a variety of approaches tailored to the underlying cause of the condition and the patient's specific needs. Research has focused on several key treatment areas, including using positive airway pressure devices, supplemental oxygen, medication, and lifestyle modifications.

One of the primary treatments for CSA is the use of positive airway pressure (PAP) devices, especially Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) and Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV). A study by Javaheri et al. (2017) evaluated the effectiveness of ASV in patients with CSA, particularly in those with heart failure. They found that ASV was more effective than CPAP in reducing the number of apnea events in these patients. However, it's important to note that the use of ASV in certain types of heart failure patients (those with reduced ejection fraction) may be associated with increased mortality, as indicated in another study by Cowie et al. (2015).

Supplemental oxygen therapy is another treatment option, particularly in cases where CSA is associated with hypoxemia. A study by Sasai et al. (2006) investigated the use of supplemental oxygen in patients with CSA and found it beneficial in reducing central apnea events. However, it may not be as effective as PAP therapies in some instances.

Pharmacological interventions are also considered, particularly in CSA cases related to opioid use or specific neurological conditions. Medications such as acetazolamide and theophylline have been studied for their potential to stimulate breathing. A study by White et al. (2005) demonstrated that acetazolamide, a diuretic and respiratory stimulant, could effectively reduce apnea episodes in some patients with CSA.

Lifestyle modifications, including weight loss and the avoidance of alcohol and certain medications, are recommended as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. While specific studies on lifestyle interventions in CSA are limited, the consensus in the sleep medicine community, as outlined in a review by Lorenzi-Filho and Genta (2015), supports these measures for overall health improvement and potential reduction in CSA severity.

Implications if Untreated

Leaving Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) untreated can have severe implications for an individual's health, both physically and psychologically. The research literature has highlighted various risks associated with untreated CSA, which span cardiovascular complications, cognitive impairments, and impacts on mental health and quality of life.

One of the most significant implications of untreated CSA is the increased risk of cardiovascular problems. Javaheri and colleagues (2017) conducted a study that underscored the link between sleep apnea, including CSA, and cardiovascular diseases like heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and hypertension. Their findings indicated that the intermittent hypoxia and the recurrent arousals associated with CSA episodes could lead to increased sympathetic nervous system activity, inflammation, and oxidative stress, all of which contribute to cardiovascular risk.

Cognitive impairments are another concern in untreated CSA. A study by Beebe and Gozal (2002) examined the cognitive and behavioral consequences of sleep-disordered breathing, including CSA. They reported that the disruption in sleep architecture and the resulting hypoxemia and hypercapnia could lead to deficits in attention, memory, and executive functioning.

The impact of untreated CSA on mental health is also noteworthy. Edwards et al. (2015) found a correlation between sleep-disordered breathing and depressive symptoms. Their study suggested that chronic sleep disturbance and the resulting fatigue and daytime sleepiness could contribute to the development or worsening of depression and anxiety.

Moreover, the quality of life is significantly affected by untreated CSA. A study by Bardwell et al. (2007) focused on the quality of life in patients with sleep apnea. They noted that the repeated awakenings and chronic fatigue associated with untreated CSA could lead to impairments in daily functioning, reduced productivity, and diminished overall well-being.


Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) presents as a challenging disorder to diagnose and manage, primarily due to its complex nature and overlapping symptoms with other sleep disorders. Historically, CSA was often overshadowed by its more common counterpart, Obstructive Sleep Apnea. However, over time, there has been a significant shift in the medical community's understanding and approach towards CSA. This evolution is marked by increased recognition of its unique pathophysiology and the development of more targeted treatments, as outlined in the research by Javaheri et al. (2017). The growing awareness of CSA's impact on cardiovascular health, highlighted by studies like those conducted by Cowie et al. (2015), has also been instrumental in changing perspectives.

The impact of Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) transcends its physiological symptoms, significantly influencing the psychological and social domains of patients' lives. This multifaceted impact is well-documented in various research studies, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to managing CSA.

Psychologically, the chronic fatigue and sleep disruptions associated with CSA lead to a range of cognitive impairments. The research by Beebe and Gozal (2002) delved into the cognitive and behavioral consequences of sleep-disordered breathing. They found that sleep fragmentation and hypoxemia, common in CSA, can impair cognitive functions like memory, attention, and executive functioning. This cognitive decline often manifests in everyday life as difficulties in concentrating, decision-making, and problem-solving, which can be frustrating and demoralizing for individuals, leading to a diminished sense of self-efficacy and self-esteem.

These cognitive challenges, coupled with chronic fatigue, contribute to an altered sense of self. The constant struggle to maintain normalcy in daily activities and roles (for example, at work and in family life) can lead to a sense of inadequacy and a loss of identity. Individuals may feel that they can no longer fulfill the roles and responsibilities they once managed effortlessly, which can be disheartening and contribute to feelings of low self-worth.

Socially, CSA can strain interpersonal relationships. Bardwell et al. (2007) highlighted the impact of sleep apnea on quality of life, including social relationships. The irritability and mood swings often associated with chronic sleep deprivation can lead to tensions in relationships, especially with partners. Spouses or partners may also be affected by the patient's disrupted sleep patterns (e.g., waking up due to apnea events), leading to shared sleep disturbances and subsequent relationship stress. Moreover, the patient's reduced participation in social activities due to fatigue and sleepiness can lead to social isolation, further exacerbating feelings of loneliness and depression.

CSA's impact on psychological well-being, personal identity, and social relationships signifies the disorder's extensive reach beyond mere physical symptoms. This understanding calls for a treatment approach that not only addresses the physiological aspects of CSA but also provides support for the psychological and social challenges faced by individuals with this disorder.

Central Sleep Apnea is a complex disorder with far-reaching implications. Its diagnosis and management require a nuanced understanding of its unique characteristics. The evolving perspective on CSA underscores the importance of compassionate, holistic approaches that address not only the physiological aspects but also the psychological and relational impacts of this disorder.


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